大温Top 1%(2016-2019, 2022, 2023) Max Chiu 赵信德 商业地产团队 诚信经营 口碑载道 WWW.BC1800.COM

(Vansky Copyright)
更新时间: 2024-05-28, 14:36
联系人 联系人: 商业买卖团队
邮箱 邮箱   : max@bc1800.com
微信 微信   : MaxChiu32168
电话 电话   : 6046493188


地址 地址   : 230 3700 North Fraser Way  


大温Top1% Realtor(2016-2019, 2022, 2023,多年专注生意买卖,物业买卖,土地买卖, 物业租赁服务等服务, 诚信经营,口碑载道, 祝您事业一马平川。

With a proved sound track record of sales and services in Commercial and Land properties, Max Chiu and his team are proud to be an industry expert and rewarded as one of the top 1% realtors in Vancouver

因为专业,所以尽心,所以放心。2013-2023大温地产局Medallion Club 金牌经纪奖。2016-2019, 2022 and 2023 大温地产局President Club Top1% 总统奖。多谢多年的新老客户的大力支持,热忱希望为更多的客户提供服务。

Our top professional value can assure customers to place trust and confidence with us. Max has been recognized and awarded by the Medallion Club since 2013 and is up to date in each of the years. Max was awarded the Top 1% President Club realtor honors in 2016-2019, 2022, 2023. We are extremely grateful and appreciative for all the belief and support towards Max and our team. We will work even harder to deliver to our client's tailor-made top-class services and strive for greater success!


           1. 专业买卖合同,量身定制适合您的条款,最大化保障您的权益。

           2. 精通各类买卖流程,各类牌照申请流程。

           3. 熟悉租赁市场行情,了解各类商铺价格。

           4. 各热门区域一手店铺,各种暗盘好盘尽在掌握中。

           5. 客户资源多,推广渠道广。

           6. 多年与房东,管理公司,租客相处谈判经验。

           7. 各类专业项目策划/实施人才。

           8. 专业商业分析谈判,为您节省财力物力。

        Why chooses Max?

            1. Professional contract agreement, with best-fit terms and conditions to protect your profits and rights

            2. Sophisticated and efficient transaction procedures handling, licenses & permits   applications 

            3. Follow and update the market’s trend closely to provide accurate lease info and price evaluation

            4. Abundant first-hand listings in various in-demand popular areas           

            5. Extensive networking and advertisement platforms

            6. Experienced in dealing and negotiating with landlords, management companies and all related parties

            7. Great team and human capital specializing in all aspects

            8. Effective and efficient approaches in professional commercial analysis & negotiation to save costs


     We are committed and passionate to provide the best optimal suggestions and solutions to your specific needs in the pursuit of your business and investments.

     Your success is our greatest success!

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