的居家环境。通过 FortisBC 返利计划,升级您的供暖系统,轻松享受最高 $15,000 的补助!此外
,York 系统还提供额外 $400-$500 美金返利,性能卓越,质量可靠,是舒适生活的理想之选。我
们拥有超过 30 辆工程车与专业安装团队,快速高效地为客户完成每一个项目。从产品推荐到安
客户提供全年舒适体验。升级双燃料系统,让Furnace与Heat Pump共同奏响供暖与制冷的完美
乐章。拨打 778-829-0827,与我们携手,共创美好生活!
At Royal Vancouver Air Conditioning, we proudly represent York to bring you heating and
cooling upgrades! Take advantage of rebates like FortisBC's rebates, which offer up to $10,000
for homeowners who upgrade from a natural gas furnace to a dual fueled system; both a heat
pump and a furnace. Income-qualified customers may be eligible for rebates up to $15,000!
York provides a $400-500 USD homeowner rebate on select systems. The application process
is easy, and there are no requirements for this rebate! We highly recommend York systems as
they are not only reliable and rebate eligible, they are top performers everywhere. The
$400-$500 USD homeowner rebate only adds more incentive to upgrade to a reliable system!
You can upgrade your furnace to a dual fuel system often for FREE after rebates. This way it
allows you to enjoy the benefits of both heating methods, having heating and cooling throughout
the year. As professional installers with over 1000+ jobs of experience in the HVAC industry, we
ensure a smooth installation process and help you navigate the rebate applications to maximize
your savings.
Interested? Give us a call at 778 829 0827, all interest and inquiries are welcome.