Product Features: Mr. Bao
Room: 2
Restroom: 1
Facilities: Separate washer / dryer, refrigerator, stove / oven.
Features: Large windows, new home first floor, 9-foot ceilings. Hardwood floor.
Location: West 49 and Heather (Near Gambia ST.)
School: From Langara Academy, bus 49 to UBC4 block.
Transportation: 2 blocks from Canada Line 49 and Gambi Station
49th Street, bus stop steps
Contact: Mr. Bao
Beautiful Suite for Rent Near Canada Line Station (49 th and Cambie)
Rooms: 2
Washrooms: 1
Amenities: Individual washer / dryer, fridge, stove / oven.
Features: Large open windows, 1 st floor of new home, 9 foot ceiling. Hardwood floor.
Location: West 49 th and Heather (Near Cambie st.)
Schools: 4 blocks from Langara College , 49 th bus to UBC.
Transportation: 2 blocks from Canada Line 49 th and Cambie station
Steps from 49 th Ave, bus stop
Contact: Mr. Pow
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