我于2017年6月从温哥华的本田店购买了这台发电机。还有保修期。 这是非常适合旅行,食物卡车,建筑等的饮用物品。这是非常正确的(一个人可以留下这个,78磅)和安静。
这个项目只有一个月(40小时),仍然有第一个发动机油。 它包括我为这个单位购买的1个气罐和1个机油。 以下是产品详细信息的网址。
如果您有兴趣,请联系我! (请认真查询。)
I bought this Generator Jun 2017 from Honda Shop at Vancouver. still has warranty period.
This is very potable item for traveling, food truck, construction and etc. It is really right (one person can left up this, 78lb) and quiet.
This item have used only one month (40hrs) and still has the first engine oil.
It includes 1 gas can and 1 engine oil which I bought for this unit.
Here is URL for the product detail.
Please contact me if you're interested! (Serious inquiries only please.)
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