温哥华生意买卖 地产经纪 赵信德 Frank Chen 天空视频 女神的衣橱

7月11日 ***寻证人*** 1West高速 Mcgill 车祸证人**

(Vansky Copyright)
发布时间: 2018-08-07, 13:26
联系人 联系人: Betty
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7月11日 早上 9点- 9点15分左右温哥华1 West高速 Mcgill entrance 我被人从左线转中线撞到了我的车。 现在这个人向icbc说是我转线撞到她的车,icbc说我没有证人证明是她撞的我所以只能判 50/50。如果您当时有目睹到车祸的发生,请您联系我帮我做证人。为了避免利益冲突,我无法在这里答应给您任何酬劳。但我真的非常需要您的帮助!

如果您目睹了这场车祸,请联系我! 感谢万分。

Your kindness will much be appreciated. Thanks!


I got into an accident on July 11th 2018 9:00AM - 9:15AM along highway 1West around Mcgill entrance. I got hit from rare left when the other party was trying to merge into the middle from the inner lane (left speeding lane). She admited it was her fault at that time, however she changed her word and told icbc that I was changing lane at the sametime when the accident happened. Now Icbc said the final result will most likely be 50/50 becuase I do not have a witness. Due to conflit of interest, I can not promise you any reward. 

If you happened to witness this accident, please contact me.

Your kindess will much be appreciated. Tons of Thanks!

Following is a picture of the accident. 




Vansky Copyright

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