一项有关online dating的 研究 需要您!
如果您曾经或正在使用网络(比如网站、app、论坛等)来寻找异性伴侣,请来参与此研究吧!研究者将与您进行1到1个半小时的录音访谈,请您分享您自己网络约会或相亲的经历与体验。 为了感谢您抽出宝贵的时间参与访谈,我们将会在访谈末尾给予您价值20加币的礼品卡作为酬劳。如果您希望进一步了解此研究,请发送邮件至yue.qian@ubc.ca. 这个研究的负责人是英属哥伦比亚大学(UBC)社会学系助理教授钱岳。我们可以说普通话、粤语和英语。
If you have used Online Dating apps/websites to look for differentsex partners, please consider being part of this research. You will be asked to share your experiences with online dating in a tape-recorded interview. The interview typically lasts about 1 to 1.5 hours. We will compensate you with a $20 gift card for your participation at the end of the interview. To learn more about the study, please email yue.qian@ubc.ca. The person responsible for this research is Dr. Yue Qian, Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of British Columbia.
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