This fast AWD Mazda is ready to be transferred to a new owner. $248.00 by-weekly very cheap on gas and has every luxury option it's the GS all wheel drive model. It's a closed end lease, you can walk away from this car in just three years no questions asked or transfer it when you want something else. I will take care of all transfer payments to qualified buyer and have $500.00 cash incentive. This year model and trim is not available for lease at dealerships so this is a great opportunity to get this particular. Compare this to the dealerships and you'll see why it is a good deal.
全新2020款的 马自达3,全部顶配,天窗,HD倒车影像,月供489 (报含税),也买了还车险。 油漆,玻璃,一共7项目都包括,直接还车就行了。 钥匙丢了,免费补还(不限次数)。
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