出租住宅 | |
住宅类型: | 公寓; |
房间情况: | 6睡房;5浴室;2客厅;全功能厨房;2饭厅; |
可用时间: | 2021-02-01; |
租金或价格: | 6500左右; |
详情描述 地址: Donald Road Richmond V7C 2Y5 Richmond市中心顶级豪宅 6房间 5.5卫 电影厅 双厨房 奢华典雅 至尊享受。坐在家里可看到北山美丽景色。超大庭院,绿色环保抱私密大花园。有水景小溪。疫情不影响园中漫步 戏水。更有近Richmond中心最大弹性跑道体育场仅数分钟路程。 地大1万多尺, 房子近5千尺, 有五个套房 一个书房,配全套家具和全套床上用品,拎包入住。 租金每月$6500, 租房请联系: 778 885 6731 (请不要联系电话栏中的号码) Luxury 6 bedrooms house in RMD central area for rent Address: Donald Road Richmond V7C 2Y5 This luxury House is located at the central area in Richmond, and it is convenient to shopping mall Richmond center and transportation. This house has 6 bedrooms and 5.5 bathrooms, and the garden is very beautiful. The house has all necessary furniture. The rent is $6500 per month. Contact person is Simon 778 885 6731 |
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