出租住宅 | |
住宅类型: | 独立屋;房间类型:半地下; |
房间情况: | 3睡房;1浴室;1客厅;简易厨房;0饭厅; |
停车: | 路边; |
设备设施: | 洗衣,干衣,一体炉具,烤箱,冰箱,微波炉,家具,地板; |
租金包含: | 水,电,煤,暖; |
出租方式: | 分租; |
是否独立出入: | 是; |
租客条件: | 无烟,无宠,学生,男生,女生; |
语言偏好: | 普通话,广东话,英语; |
可用时间: | 2021-05-01; |
租金或价格: | 2100左右; |
详情描述 3房一厅半地下室单位,位于温哥华西区Dunbar区。适合学生入住。也可小家庭。学区佳(中学是lordbyne)。感兴趣者请发短信给我。或发邮件。 3 bedroom suites in Dunbar naibourhood, near everything: community center , London drugs, shoppers drugmart Starbucks coffee, banks, liberary, bus stops; The suits are funitured, include Beds and mattress, desks and chairs. refrigerator and Microwave, washing machine and dryer. It's a half basement,but all windows are above the ground. you can see the beautiful garden. and the rooms aren't dark. and it very warm. The suites are now occupied by three UBC girl students, They will leave in the end of April. so it's available from May the first. I live in the main floor with my wife and daughter. we welcome students live with us. The rental fees is keep the same : $2100 per month. please email or text me if you are interested in this suites. (No call please) address : west 29th Ave and Wallace St, Vancouver. |
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