出租住宅 | |
住宅类型: | 其它; |
房间情况: | 1睡房;0.5浴室;0客厅;无厨房;0饭厅; |
停车: | 车位; |
语言偏好: | 普通话,广东话,英语; |
可用时间: | 2021-06-10; |
租金或价格: | 680左右; |
详情描述 店内有手和脚部护理设施,可做手脚护理。包一个有锁的柜,架步位,水,电,税。商场包括大量免费停车位,员工洗手间,3分钟步行到时代坊天车站,4分钟步行到410巴士站。只需自带材料工具即可做客。有诚意者最好面议商谈。亦可以信息,或致电查询细节。机会难逢,先到先得。如果你需要额外培训,亦可商议细节。Looking for booth rental partners who can be able to perform lashes or nail services.$680/month all included ( tax. table. free parking lots. water. electricity) . Please dm Emily for more details(if you need more training and following up to increase your skills. Please dm also). |
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