温哥华生意买卖 地产经纪 赵信德 Frank Chen 天空视频 女神的衣橱


(Vansky Copyright)
更新时间: 2024-07-22, 20:08
联系人 联系人: 柯小姐
邮箱 邮箱   : emilyko78@hotmail.com
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电话 电话   : 6043178514


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出售:位於Burnaby中央公園南方的兩塊海景墓園福地,名為“Orchid Lane”,為幾年前由墓園道路改建為新的墓地,已全數售完,是罕見的立碑福地。風水地理位置優越,位於墓園內地勢高、清靜悠閒、綠樹環繞的區域。如附圖所示,位置接近墓園中心,是黃金地段。每塊福地上下層共可容納兩個棺木及兩個棺盒,或四個棺盒。這是市面上罕見的立碑福地,家人一手全新購入從未使用,原本打算留給家中長輩,但因長輩不來加拿大定居,因此現有意轉讓此兩塊緊鄰的福地,優惠價出售。如有意者,請電或 Text 至柯小姐 604-317-8514 (我不是仲介)。交易將在墓園員工的見證下進行,以保障買賣雙方。


For sale: Two rare brand new upright burial plots, built and converted from cemetary road several years ago and adjacent to each other, located in the "Orchid Lane" section of the Ocean View Burial Park in Burnaby, south of Central Park. These plots are situated in an excellent, fully sold-out location, in a peaceful green area within the cemetery in the higher elevation area. As shown in the attached map, the plots are located near the center of the cemetery and are considered a prime location. Each plot can accommodate two caskets and two urns, or four urns, on both the upper and lower levels. These are rare upright burial plots that were purchased firsthand and are now being sold together at a discounted price. If interested, please call or text Ms. Emily Ko at 604-317-8514. Please note that I am not an agent. The plots were purchased several years ago intended for seniors in the family who eventually decided not to live in Canada; therefore, we are hoping to pass the plots to people interested. The transaction will be witnessed by and conducted with the assistance of the Ocean View Burial Park staff to ensure the security of both the buyer and seller.



Vansky Copyright

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