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(Vansky Copyright)
发布时间: 2022-11-06, 16:33
联系人 联系人: Kris
邮箱 邮箱   : ops@cleanxpress.ca
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We are hiring! CleanXpress is looking for experienced residential cleaners to join our team! 

This position is ideal for candidates who are motivated to be a part of a growing company, and looking for a more flexible way to earn some cash while maintaining a balanced lifestyle. Previous cleaning experience is necessary training to help you grow in the field.



An ideal candidate should have/工作要求:

  1. 1+ years experience as a professional residential cleaner (Required)/ 一年以上的清洁经验
  2. Customer-service mindset, organized and attention to detail (Required)/高度服务意识、有条理、关注细节;
  3. Legal to work in Canada and able to pass a criminal background check/能够在加拿大境内合法工作,且通过犯罪背景审查;
  4. Your own way of transportation/自理交通方式;
  5. Cell phone to stay in contact/个人联系方式。


We will offer/我们提供:

  1. Weekly payout Salary: $20.00-$23.00 per hour + 100% Tips/$20.00-$23.00每小时底薪+100%小费,周结工资
  2. Flexible working schedule and location/灵活的工作时间与地点
  3. Sufficient training in residential cleaning and customer service/提供培训

Join the CleanXpress team today! Send your resume to ops@cleanxpress.ca

我们诚挚邀请你的加入,请将简历发送至 ops@cleanxpress.ca


COVID-19 Policy:

Mandatory Vaccination Policy in place, Vaccination is an employment requirement, all employees must show vaccination QR status at time of hire.




Vansky Copyright

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