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(Vansky Copyright)
发布时间: 2022-11-24, 15:18
联系人 联系人: Manning Elliott
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Title:                  Accounting Technician Hiring

Employer:           Manning Elliott LLP

Industry:            Private Company

Status:               Permanent, Full-Time

Job Description:

Assists Senior Accountants, Managers and Partners in performing duties for their clients in bookkeeping, payroll, GST/HST returns, WSBC applications, CRA communication etc.   

Reports to:         Manager, Senior Manager, Partner

Qualifications, Skills, Experience and Personal Attributes:

  • Experience with full cycle accounting to general ledger stage using various computer software
  • Experience with preparation of bank reconciliations
  • Experience with preparation of payroll and payroll benefits including filing of source deductions, WorkSafe BC premiums, and record of employment
  • Filing of GST/HST return, QST return and various PST returns
  • Recording and reconciling investment accounting
  • Must have Simply Accounting and QuickBooks as well as Sage Cloud and QuickBooks Online experience
  • Preparation and tracking of accounts payable/receivable sub-ledger
  • Public practice accounting firm experience is an asset but not necessary
  • Strong Chinese (Mandarin and/or Cantonese) and English communication skills - written and verbal.
  • Excellent interpersonal and relationship-building skills as well as strong attention to detail
  • A positive "can do" approach
  • Works effectively in a team environment as well as individually and can handle a group of clients ensuring that client and statutory deadlines are met on a timely basis
  • Reviews own work to detect errors before submission for review
  • Works well under supervision and actively listens and asks questions related to the role


Our technicians are responsible for a book of clients ranging from full cycle accounting, preparation of payroll, GST/HST, QST and PST tax compliance filings and various other accounting related matters that may arise on a daily basis. Must be able to multitask and handle client related matters on a timely basis. Working in a team is essential and must be willing to learn as well as train junior staff in order to meet deadlines.

Salary Range:


We are one of the largest independent regional accounting and business advisory firms operating exclusively in British Columbia. We offer an exceptional work environment that allows our team members to enjoy a balanced lifestyle while providing them with opportunities for professional and personal growth. Our attractive salary and comprehensive benefits package and flexible summer work schedule will appeal to talented individuals who share our desire to be the best. If you have strong technical and interpersonal skills and desire a challenging position with a progressive accounting firm, please apply below.




需協助高級會計師、經理和合夥人在簿記、準備工資單、GST/HST 申報、WSBC 申請、與CRA 溝通等方面為客戶履行職責。


  • 有使用各種電腦軟件進行全週期會計記賬的經驗
  • 準備銀行對賬的經驗
  • 計算工資和工資福利的經驗,包括申報來源扣稅、WorkSafe BC 保費和就業記錄 (ROE)
  • 提交 GST/HST 申報表、QST 申報表和各種 PST 申報表
  • 記錄和核對投資會計
  • 必須有 Simply Accounting 和 QuickBooks 以及 Sage Cloud 和 QuickBooks Online 經驗
  • 核对應付賬款/應收賬款分類賬
  • 有公共執業會計師事務所的經驗,但不是必需的
  • 較強的中文(普通話和/或粤语)和英語溝通能力——書面和口頭。
  • 出色的人際關係和建立關係的技巧以及對細節的高度關注
  • 積極的“可以做”的思维能力
  • 在團隊環境和個人環境中有效工作,並且可以處理多個客戶,確保及時滿足客戶和在法定期限前提交稅務事宜
  • 在提交工作成果前, 先自我檢測錯誤, 再讓上級審查
  • 聽從合理的工作指令,積極傾聽並能提出與職責相關的問題


我們的技術人員負責客戶賬簿,包括全週期會計簿記、計算工資、GST/HST、QST 和 PST 稅務合規申報以及日常可能出現的各種其他會計相關事宜。必須能夠同時並及時處理多個客戶相關事務。須能融入團隊工作,並願意學習和培訓初級員工。


我們是最大的獨立區域會計和商業諮詢公司之一,專門在卑詩省運營。我們提供卓越的工作環境,讓我們的團隊成員享受平衡的生活方式,同時為他們提供專業和個人成長的機會。我們提供具有吸引力的薪酬和全面的福利待遇以及靈活的暑期工作時間, 希望吸引積極進取的人才。如果您有很強的簿記技術和人際交往能力,並希望在一家進取的會計師事務所擔任具有挑戰性的職位,請點擊链接申請。






Vansky Copyright

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