招聘 | |
语言偏好: | 普通话,广东话,英语; |
公司名称: | TOTAL LINKS LTD.; |
公司所在行业: | 服务行业 - 餐饮; |
职位类型: | 自由职业者; |
详情描述 Total Links Ltd. is one of the top TELUS Dealers in Canada, and customer-focused.
We are looking for an outgoing, friendly, and customer-focused person to join us. Our team offers TELUS & KOODO PRODUCTS - Wireless Devices, Home Services ( Internet & TV ), Smart Home Security, and more.
What's in it for YOU? COMMISSION PAY ONLY 业内最佳待遇
We started its journey with its first store opening more than 20 years ago. Since then, we have been consistently developing trust and providing a comfortable environment and now we have changed to a new owner, new company and a new team in August 2021.
Apply today!
Contact Info. : telebizjimmy@gmail.com
Please submit your resume, we look forward to hearing from you!
Thanks |
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