出售两个魔兽世界账号,内有4个80级的角色。 第一手账号(本人是持有者)账号索在同一个名字下所以4个角色可以全部放在一起或者分开。所有角色都在PVP服务器里面,可以随时转服。
1. 血精灵女术士"Bombii" Blood elf female WARLOCK. dual spec'd.
gearscore: 5745. spellpower: 3134. This warlock has 4 pieces Tier 10.5. Relentless and Furious PVP gears available as well.
profession: enchanting 453. tailoring 450. Dual spec'd ready, into Destro and Affliction.
She has epic mount/ flying mount. All the dungeon achievements up till Lich King. (which allow you to go in any raid).
Armory link:
2. 血精灵女圣骑士"Yuxxi" Blood elf male PALADIN. (Holy/Protection/Ret) dual spe'd.
Holy gearscore: 5531. spellpower: 2883. holy paladian has 2 pieces of Tier 10. Relentless (most) and Furious Holy PVP gears.
Protection gearscore: 5014. protection gear includes 4 Tier 9.
She has ret gears as well, approx. 4800 gearscore withe decent weapon.
profession: enchanting: 459. mining: 443. Dual spec ready. Holy/Protection.
Epic mount/Flying mount. GRAND BLACK WAR MAMMOTH!! All dungeons achievements up to lich king. Some cool titles.
Armory link:
3. 兽人男萨满"Orxxi" Orc male SHAMAN. "The Kingslayer" (Elemental/Restoration/Enhancement)
Restoration gearscore: 5780 spellpower: 3415. 35.5% critical. 690 haste. gears include: 3 pieces of Tier 10.5. 1 piece of Tier 10. 264 trinkets.
Elemental gearscore: 5748. spellpower: 3106. 40.82% critical. 845 haste. gears include: 3 piece Tier 10.5, 2 pieces of Tier 9.5.
Enhancement gearscore: 4800 (approx.)
profession: herbalism: 450. inscription: 432. Dual spec ready: elemental/restoration. All dungeon achievements ready up to Lich King.
Epic mount/flying mount.
Armory link.
4. 兽人男死亡骑士"Hotdumpling" Orc male DEATHKNIGHT. Dual spec'd
DPS gearscore: 5755. attack power: 5262. Critical: 31.29%. 2 pieces of Tier 9.5. 1 piece of Tier 10. achievement ready.
Dual spec ready. Epic mount/flying mount.
Armory link:
因为有四个角色和两个账号,你可以选择角色只买1个,或任选2个,3个, 或全部4个。
$350 萨满, (或 $350 圣骑/术士/死骑)
$600 任选两个
$800 任选三个
$1000 全部四个
有意者请email至 [email]everregret@hotmail.com[/email] 详谈价钱。