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Finally Wind Mobile is in Vancouver! 

unfortunately they don't have a unlimited evening & weekends add on, it's only available in those $35+ plans.
 [quote]引用第18楼kamikazez于2010-06-02 08:32发表的 : im just an old-fashioned-kind of a guy using voice calling only, data wont do any goods for me for now [s:206] [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=248493&pid=5781447][img]/club/p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] you are getting old....hahahaha[s:236] yeah, I don't really care about DATA plan too. Never got chance play my cell phone such as browse website, if I will, I prefer use my laptop even just a netbook... All I need just a little thing that ppl can find me or I can talk to some one when needed. now with telus, that disgusting 911/system access fee make me sick. Why should we pay for something not even exist?
[quote]引用第23楼yw1015于2010-06-04 20:00发表的  :   you are getting old....hahahaha[s:236] yeah, I don't really care about DATA plan too. Never got chance play my cell phone such as browse website, if I will, I prefer use my laptop even just a netbook... ....... [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=248493&pid=5786412][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] I find data is handy, check email on the road, follow up sport update, headline, weather etc. If you are using a latest Android phone like Nexus One, you can create text message simply by speaking it out and it needs data.
Handy?haha... check email when Driving a Car? noway...
well...my samsung cell is beaten up pretty bad...its been 3 yrs already
mine 2 year and 6 months... it works...
WIND MOBILE六月份有促销呢。。。。25刀任打任发。。。 在RICHMOND的LANDSDOWN MALL 里面有WIND MOBILE的站点。.. 919店铺。。。就在FOODCOURT 或EARLS附近。。。 电话:604 284 5540
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