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[url]http://www.foodinspectionweb.vcha.ca/Inspection/Show/21546659-b21d-41e6-8b05-335736ceef5b[/url] 这是食品卫生监察局对T&T的deli部门的检查报告。好多问题啊!还发现了死老鼠。恶心!以后还要不要在T&T买熟食? [size=5][b]Food Establishment        Inspection Detail[/b][/size] [b]T & T Supermarket Hot Foods & SushiInspection Information[/b] Observations [size=3][b]                Food Not Protected From Contamination - Microbiological[/b][/size]                                          Cooked foods were being stored in close proximity to raw meats.  This is unacceptable.  It is imperative that foods be protected from contamination at all times.  Always store raw meats below or well away from all other foods. [size=3][b]                Food Not Protected From Contamination - Other Sources[/b][/size]                                         Food items and cleaning products/chemicals were being stored together in the Hot Deli Packaging Room.  This is unacceptable.  Cleaning products/chemicals must be stored well away from all food products and food preparation areas. [size=3][b]                Inadequate Cooling and/or Refrigerated Storage of Potentially Hazardous Food(s)[/b][/size]                                         A large platter of meat was sitting at room temperature awaiting slicing and packaging.  This is not a good food handling practice.  Foods must remain refrigerated at 4 degrees C or colder until needed.  Remove only small amounts of potentially hazardous foods from a cooler at a  time. [size=3][b]                Inadequate Hot Holding of Potentially Hazardous Food(s)[/b][/size]                                         Foods in the large hot-holding display unit were piled much too high   As a result, the foods that were piled too high, such as sticky rice, were not at a safe temperature (Sticky rice: 55 degrees C).  Foods may not be piled higher than the container rim.. Also, the 2 missing doors on this unit are to be replaced.  Immediate corrective action is required. The temperature of the barbecue meats in the upright hot-holding unit were not sufficiently hot.  Chicken measured 56 degrees C, duck measured 53 degrees C and pork measured 50 degrees C.  This is unacceptable.  Potentially hazardous foods must be maintained at 60 degrees C or hotter at all times.  There is a large gap over the unit's door - heat may be escaping through this hole.  The gap must be sealed.If the temperature of hot foods falls below 60 degrees C, then the foods must be re-heated in an oven or on a stove-top to an internal temperature of at least 74 degrees C.  This may only be done once. [size=3][b]                Inadequate Hot Holding of Potentially Hazardous Food(s)[/b][/size]                                         Steamed buns at the bottom of the upright hot-holding unit were not sufficiently hot (55 degrees C).  Immediate corrective action is required.  Potentially hazardous foods must be maintained t 60 degrees C or hotter at all times.  Food temperatures must be monitored very closely and recorded on a log-sheet. [size=3][b]                Improper Cleaning, Sanitizing of Equipment and Utensils[/b][/size]                                         Soiled dim sum serving utensils were being stored at room temperature.  This is not acceptable.  Utensils must be cleaned and sanitized after use.  Alternatively, they must be stored at 4 degrees C or colder or 60 degrees C or hotter. [size=3][b]                Improper Sanitary Facilities[/b][/size]                                         There were no paper towels at the hand wash sink.  Paper towels must be present at the hand wash sink at all times. Paper towels must also be provided in the Hot Deli Packaging Room. [size=3][b]                Inadequate Insect/Rodent Control[/b][/size]                                         A dead mouse was noted on a trap under the main hot-holding unit.  The dead mouse must be discarded.  Rodent abatement strategies must be increased.  All goods must be stored in rodent-proof containers equipped with tight-fitting lids.  Food-contact surfaces must be cleaned and sanitized at the start of every day to remove possible contamination left by rodents.  Rodent activity must be monitored very closely.    Ensure that all goods are stored at least 6 inches (15 cm) up off of the floor.  Do not use over-turned crates to store goods as they provide ideal harborage for rodents.  Please note that exemplary sanitation is critical to the success of a rodent control program. [size=3][b]                Improper Construction/Maintenance/Sanitation of Establishment[/b][/size]                                         Plastic wrap covering the barbecue meat hot-holding unit must be removed.  Plastic wrap may not be used to protect equipment from becoming soiled.  When equipment becomes dirty, it must be cleaned. All cardboard must be removed from storage areas.Lids for food containers were being stored on the floor.  This is unacceptable.  All equipment must be stored at least 6 inches (15 cm) up off of the floor.All goods not required for the day-to-day operation of this facility must be removed.Spilled rice on the floor was removed at the time of inspection.Through cleaning is required under the packaging table in the Hot Deli Packaging Room. [size=3][b]                TF: NO Trans Fat documentation for food is kept on site or provided on request[/b][/size]                                         Documentation must be on-site regarding the presence of trans fat in your menu items.
耍什麼白痴? 如果你是中國來的...怕屁啊?
[quote]引用第2楼mykomyko于2011-01-10 13:22发表的  : 耍什麼白痴? 如果你是中國來的...怕屁啊? [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=273648&pid=6263267][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] 我日,你这意思是中国人不怕吃死老鼠[s:180]
[quote]引用第5楼寡人于2011-01-10 23:31发表的  : 我日,你这意思是中国人不怕吃死老鼠[s:180] [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=273648&pid=6264744][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] 1.) 那一間 T&T 她都不知道.....就大驚小怪 2.) 如果你看不懂英文, 找別人看看, 然後搞訴我那句說食物裡有死老鼠了 3.) cry more
[quote]引用第2楼mykomyko于2011-01-10 13:22发表的  : 耍什麼白痴? 如果你是中國來的...怕屁啊? [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=273648&pid=6263267][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] 你是没说什么死老鼠,不过你说的那意思,如果是中国来的,怕屁。。两个字,操蛋·······
[s:208] 不是还在 么。大惊小怪
[quote]引用第7楼寡人于2011-01-11 10:52发表的  : 你是没说什么死老鼠,不过你说的那意思,如果是中国来的,怕屁。。两个字,操蛋······· [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=273648&pid=6265713][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] +1 中国人就该吃脏的???
[quote]引用第7楼寡人于2011-01-11 10:52发表的  : 你是没说什么死老鼠,不过你说的那意思,如果是中国来的,怕屁。。两个字,操蛋······· [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=273648&pid=6265713][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] 你這王八小孩, 一定是在國內沒近餐廳廚房過...
[quote]引用第10楼babydoll于2011-01-11 12:12发表的  : +1 中国人就该吃脏的??? [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=273648&pid=6265874][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] 這是妳說的...
[quote]引用第11楼mykomyko于2011-01-11 13:16发表的  : 你這王八小孩, 一定是在國內沒近餐廳廚房過... [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=273648&pid=6265985][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] 王八小孩说谁呢。在国内吃的东西不卫生就代表这里有也不奇怪,也是应该的?这什么操蛋逻辑······ 我怀疑你是不是TNT的人···
[quote]引用第13楼寡人于2011-01-11 14:38发表的  : 王八小孩说谁呢。在国内吃的东西不卫生就代表这里有也不奇怪,也是应该的?这什么操蛋逻辑······ 我怀疑你是不是TNT的人··· [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=273648&pid=6266120][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] 你實在是太 retarded 了....不是我愛說你 打自己嘴巴很爽麻....
[quote]引用第14楼mykomyko于2011-01-11 14:43发表的  : 你實在是太 retarded 了....不是我愛說你 打自己嘴巴很爽麻.... [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=273648&pid=6266126][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] 艹,我也不爱跟你吵,嘴巴长你身上,爱说啥说啥吧
我是在T&T买越南面包。一次里面有类似石头还是啥的不明物感觉很恶心。 其余熟食很少买。因为不好吃。而且可能味精太多吃完很难受。 有一次买的凉拌青口非常的腥。。。。 不过我觉得葡式蛋挞和一些面包还不错。 因为之前国内一个传闻就是一个人喝可乐死了因为可乐被老鼠爬过。我之后再T&T买的罐装都会用洗洁精和清水冲洗一下再打开。
[quote]引用第16楼betsy69于2011-01-11 22:00发表的  : 我是在T&T买越南面包。一次里面有类似石头还是啥的不明物感觉很恶心。 其余熟食很少买。因为不好吃。而且可能味精太多吃完很难受。 有一次买的凉拌青口非常的腥。。。。 不过我觉得葡式蛋挞和一些面包还不错。 ....... [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=273648&pid=6267123][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] 给老鼠爬一下就能毒死人,你想像力太丰富了。 这种事肯定是误传,就女人信。 说不定人家刚喝那可乐完就看见个大胸美女路过,一鸡冻心脏超负荷,咯屁了。其实真正死因是看见美女的胸器了
[quote]引用第12楼mykomyko于2011-01-11 13:17发表的  : 這是妳說的... [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=273648&pid=6265990][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] 你的逻辑。。。这个贴就是说那里的熟食有卫生的问题,你就说如果你们是中国来的,怕什么(卫生问题) 那不就是说中国人不需要害怕吃有卫生问题的脏东西吗,我没觉得我误解了你的意思。 那你的中国人,怕屁啊之类的说的什么意思???
[quote]引用第18楼babydoll于2011-01-12 18:21发表的  : 你的逻辑。。。这个贴就是说那里的熟食有卫生的问题,你就说如果你们是中国来的,怕什么(卫生问题) 那不就是说中国人不需要害怕吃有卫生问题的脏东西吗,我没觉得我误解了你的意思。 那你的中国人,怕屁啊之类的说的什么意思??? [url=/club/job.php?action=topost&tid=273648&pid=6268568][img]p_w_picpath/back.gif[/img][/url] [/quote] +1  
大家和气生财 啊 。。。。。 只能说 中国人 一般有抵抗力 。在国内啥都没吃过。 个人觉得。。 最好 自己 在家里做。 不要出去 吃 。不然 人家 放什么你都不知道 。。[s:210]
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