May 29 10am-12:30,Listen up, listen up: 90后 Wii and Xbox 360@ Party (Releasing very soon in town)
[color=#ff99ff]party/ Sun Day Class (主日学)普通话聚会分享 at the day after tommorrow[/color]
[color=#ff99ff]would you like to come?[/color]
[color=#ff99ff]feel free to invite all of your friends to come together.[/color]
[color=#ff99ff]it's a good party environment, I promise[/color]
[color=#ff99ff]费用低于3$.详情请来参加22号的party/[u]Sun Day Class(主日学普通话聚会[/u]!时间两个多小时,不满意可以随时离开.[/color]
[size=6]wa ga li gong [size=2](我跟你讲/闽南语)[/size][/size]: [color=#ff99ff][color=#000000][color=#000099][size=4]let's rock and roll!美丽的暑假来临啦,美丽的温哥华,带上你所有的好盆友,快来参加我们华人社团精彩的社区活动吧!让我们一起过一个难忘的2011summer holiday -让他成为北大才子张伯笠先生所说的“你一生中最美的祝福”! [/size][/color]
([size=6]to sign up and more information,[/size] please come to tonight's Mandarin book study, [size=4][u][color=#000099]may 29,10am to 12:30 Sun Day Class主日学 (交友聊天,安全友好,学习经文,其乐无穷,的国语聚会)color][/u][/size].all people who speak Chinese or want to learn Mandarin are welcome to come. Please bring all your friends and family. wii and Xbox party ,需要报名,人数满为止,所有90后的学生朋友都欢迎参加,游戏规则,免费,但是每玩四十五分钟游戏,需要Bible study for half a hour.最多两个小时。详情请来参加那天精彩国语聚会,[font=楷体_gb2312;][size=5][color=#ff6600][u]到了请联系[/u][/color][/size][/font]: [size=6]Justin[/size], or [size=4]Alex[/size] wong. May 22 Sun Day Class聚会 地址如下,[u][color=#ff0000][color=#ff0000]90后Wii and Xbox 360 Party地址将会在卑斯大学校园[/u])
[color=#ff99ff]地点: [url=,-123.03437&spn=0.009214,0.027595&z=15],-123.03437&spn=0.009214,0.027595&z=15[/url][/color]
1) [url=][/url]
Listen up, listen up:
Hollywood current hot and number One singer,Bruno Mars' NEw Song
2) [url=][/url]