
        先介绍一下我的背景吧,我来温哥华已经四个月了,前三个月一直在ELC读语言,在期间迷茫过什么学校好啊,到底怎么提高雅思成绩呢,最后能申请了SFU,九月份开学,现在就算在度假。两个月的暑假吧。我决定做些什么,我知道在国外义工是很不错的,所以搜索了很多义工的信息,在前一个月呢,我去加勒比海节做了volunteer,还有给church的孩子们做volunteer,还有帮一个当地的团队建立推广一个新的网站。其实你要想好好的体验国外生活,volunteer我还是建议你去试试,可以认识很多朋友,还可以锻炼英语沟通能力,还会体验不同文化。虽然辛苦些,但很值得!          下面说说我第三个volunteer job吧,他们的网站是为了帮助ESL(Englsih as second language)学生。我每次浏览论坛时,就会发现很多相似的问题,例如,我的雅思或托福成绩不好,想要提高,那个语言学校比较好呢。每次看到这些问题时,我似乎就看到了这个网站的未来。我希望那些像我一样也经历过这些迷茫的朋友来帮助那些还在经历不知那个学校好,怎么选择的ESL同学。如果你也经历过语言学校,并想把你的经验告诉大家,希望你能空出一天中3/1440minutes 来做份调查问卷,我可以保证这不会涉及你的个人信息,也不会有不正当用途。并且我将非常感激,如果你能对这份问卷提出意见和建议,并把你的其他想法告诉我,我非常需要您的反馈。我希望我们能为未来的同学们做点什么。现在已经有四百个学生做了这份问卷。希望你能尝试一下。如果你有其他的要交流的尽请回复。我真诚的希望能为ESL学生做点什么!! [url]https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/ExplorerEducation[/url] 下面是我让我的韩国朋友帮我做的调查问卷以及相关反馈!! 안녕하세요 : 이 설문 조사는 영어를 제 2외국어로 배우려는 학생들을 위한 설문 조사입니다. 만약 영어 공부에 관심이 있으시거나, 영어 공부를 하려는 사람이 조금 더 나은 선택을 할 수 있도록 돕고 싶으시다면, 조금만 시간을 내서 이 설문조사를 해주신다면 정말 감사하겠습니다. 이 설문은 해외에서 영어 공부를 하고 있거나, 해외에서 영어를 공부 할 계획인 학생들을 바탕으로 구성되어있습니다. 설문자가 어느 학교를 다니시는지, 그 학교의 만족도는 어떤지 등에 대한 간단한 설문이며 이 설문조사는 개인의 사적인 정보를 요구하지 않습니다. 또한 이 설문은 ESL 과정을 준비하는 학생들을 위해 무료로 유용한 정보들을 제공하고 있으며 설문에 응해주신다면 설문기간이 끝난 뒤 최종적인 설문 결과를 보실 수 있습니다. 이 설문의 취지가 특정한 광고나 악용될 수 있는 것이 아님을 알려드립니다. 정말 조그마한 설문조사로 보일 수 도 있겠지만, 여러분의 ESL 학생에게는 큰 도움이 될 것이니 부디 5분만 시간을 투자해주세요..^^ ESL 학생들에게 도움을 줄 수 있는 기회를 누려보세요!!! 설문에 응하신 뒤에 이 설문조사에 대한 의견이나 피드백을 짧게라도 작성해주신다면 정말 감사하겠습니다... 읽어주셔서 감사합니다. Hi everyone: This is a online questionnaire for ESL students. If you care about your English study and would like to help others to make better choice for studying English, please take some time on this survey and you will benefit yourself and others in the future. Because the survey aims to provide free and useful information to help potential ESL students, you can just help us to make it work and we don't need your private information.Please trust this survey and me, it is not for improper use. I HOPE YOU CAN ENJOY IT!!! Maybe it seems as a small thing for you, but it is a big step for our ESL students. 1. A I couldn't find my name of my school in USA on your survey list.. I think you should add more several school's name on the list. 2. B There are five compuses in ILSC. ILSC got very famous systematic program in vancouver. I'd like to recommend ILSC school. This survey is great but it's too long. I think you should delete some questions. 3. C If there are more specific questions about the school, this survey will be more helpful for ESL students but I didn't want to write down my name in this survey. 4. D When I chose my school which name is Anglo- continent all, I wasn't sure. Because I just was recommened by my consultent. I wanted to go to some place where is safe. then I came here, I'm staying here for 1 month. Now I'm very comfortable to stay in bournemouth! When I crossed road, almost driver did gesture " ok, you first. cross road. I wait. ". I felt that is very kind and nice! And my school is clean and school staffs are very kind and they are always smile to students. and class also is good. When you attend to class, you talk each students and teacher. And play some game, that is funny and useful to improve your English! And there is students restaurant in my school. so I eat something at there. And there is a bournemouth beach in bournemouth. Whenever you want to see a beach or to swim, you can go there! it is so nice. If you want to study to some abroad, I recommend "bournemouth"! And I think this kinds of survey is really helpful to students who are preparing studying abroad. I hope that many Korean will do this survey so that ESL students can benefit about useful information about studying abroad such as good school or good city from this survey. I took adequate time on survey. It was not too long and too short. However, I don't like the point that I have to write my name and email address down. I wrote my name and email address because I believed my best friend Janet. But if a stranger asked me to do this survey, I wouldn't fill out this form since I don't want to violate my private information like name, country and email. 5. E I think it doesn't have to require an e-mail address. If there are some reasons for that, you need to let people know why you require their e-mail address. These days many people don't want to expose their personal information so they might be wondering why. The survey was quite simple and easy to answer. So I didn't feel any bad about it. 6. F I think this survey is good for student who wants to prepare the study abroad. There are useful information that some people have already experienced. However, length of the survey needs to be changed. It's a little bit long. 7. G No comments.. 8. H I had a really good experience in studying aboard program. I could improve my English speaking through meeting many native speaker which I would never be able to do it in Korea. In the section about selecting country I studied, there wasn’t USA on it. So I had to type as other option. And it would have been better if they asked more specific questions about homestay and living in the dorms because that is also important part that helps learning English. But it was a very effective survey overall. 9. I This survey was a little long but interesting for me as student studied in Canada. And it would be better that kinds of answers are more various. 10. J I think there are too many questions. 11. K I think the questions on the poll are very basic. If you want to more specific and interesting answer, you need to have creative questions. 12. L Personally, I guess this survey is very effective way to share valuable information which is related to ESL students. However, I think it would be better to add some detail introductions of your survey at the first page. For instance, you should make some explainations about questions that you are going to ask to people. Additionally, I am wondering how I can get the results of you survey. Since I took part in your survey, I would like to have final results of your useful survey. It would be perfect if you give people a notice about the method to inform the result of this survey at the end of this opinion poll.