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WOW ~ bought MASS EFFECT 3 from EA 

WOW ~ bought MASS EFFECT 3 from EA

MASS EFFECT 3  ( PC )   for 10 dollors  from EA ~    MASS EFFECT 3 ( PS3 ) = 18 dollors ~ its 70 dollors at best buy or future shop ...
bought it today ~~~ all the games produce by EA . can be bought from a really cheap price from EA .  BUT .. first of all you have to work there  - - |||
all the games produce by EA . can be bought from a really cheap price from EA . BUT 1st of all , yo have to work there .
im not working at EA . just went to visit EA champ for chance today and bought the game . theres also other games . dead space , BF ... whatever ... PC version of BF are sold out .. otherwise i would bought it . . . only has ps3 version left ....  - - ||| i dont play ps3 .
they all less than 20 dollors ....
good for u. enjoy the game
thx . bro
[s:197] what is MASS EFFECT.....
但不得不说 MASS EFFECT  的 ANIMATION 部分 蛮烂得的做的。 求量没求质?。。。
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