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so many gg la~~ no!! just   for MM la~~
[quote][b]下面是引用wangxp于2006-01-14 05:11发表的:[/b] 下面那个男的是谁呀? 发那么张`` `搞自恋啊? 晕` `````楼主````台湾人不就是中国人``吗? .......[/quote] it is not my   words!! watch carefully   who said that!!!
[quote][b]下面是引用ashlee于2006-01-14 10:37发表的:[/b] so many gg la~~ no!! just   for MM la~~[/quote] 宝贝 不好意思 最近没有很想灌水 你先帮我顶着哦 爱你  thanks for ur care n concern i really appreciate that hehe HuggiEs
no ~I won't accept it ! cause I am totally not thinking about this kind of question~ as a fact, a nation's name is representing the place that they come from~ how can I know which city they come from , as I said they are my classmates, so they are from my college, there is no need to say which school they are from ~ U said u did not misunderstand, that is totally shit!! why do I have to accept this, cause I have never think about it ~ and will never think about it ~ I don't think there is any problem or inappropriate words using in my blog~ therefore, I won't take ur suggestion. that's what it is ~and that 's what I think 本来不想再跟你争了,我都觉得无聊,可是你真的嘴很硬,你这么强,对你也没什么好处!再说一遍,不管你内心怎么想的,不管你是否无意的,把原本不是国家的台湾并列放进其他国家中,就是不恰当,如果你写“他们来自于。。。。。”那就仅仅是个地名的问题,但你那样写就是不恰当!你生活当中也是这样一个不接纳别人意见的人吗?
[quote][b]下面是引用香帅于2006-01-14 10:40发表的:[/b] no ~I won't accept it ! cause I am totally not thinking about this kind of question~ as a fact, a nation's name is representing the place that they come from~ .......[/quote] I don't think so !!! if I think u what u said are both shit , why do I have to accept! go to hell, don't come to my blog! if u really want to said that shit thing, go home and eat it~
I don't think so !!! if I think u what u said are both shit , why do I have to accept! go to hell, don't come to my blog! if u really want to said that shit thing, go home and eat it~ 跟你的帖也是我的自由,看到了吗?你这种人的素质就是这样的,嘴硬到实在不行的时候,露出了你的本质,开骂了!说你什么好呢?
[quote][b]下面是引用ashlee于2006-01-13 19:39发表的:[/b] 哎。。。。。不要问我~ 不如你们说,你们想不想去吧~ 真的没有那么多MM~ .......[/quote] 谁家比较大 可以容纳这么多人呢 还是去公众场合 也可以去公园bbq啊
[quote][b]下面是引用相视似相识于2006-01-14 16:50发表的:[/b] 谁家比较大 可以容纳这么多人呢 还是去公众场合 也可以去公园bbq啊[/quote] 那么晚去BBQ真的要考冰鸭啊??? 真的~ 等我来声明一下吧~ [size=6]谁家够大,容得下10个人一起喝酒的~还有音响设备   起码要有个音箱吧~我们就拉大队去他家!!!   自己买酒比较实惠~醉死了也不回家了~~   有的请来报名啊!!!!!!!紧急啊!!![/size]
[quote][b]下面是引用apple0078于2006-01-14 20:23发表的:[/b] 我家其实可以让你们来,但是上次有帮SB来我家帮我家搞得他妈比狗窝还乱,我收拾了一天操~[/quote] 我收拾力很强的~我来帮你收拾好了~
[quote][b]下面是引用apple0078于2006-01-14 20:29发表的:[/b] 可是我家现在有人哎...哈哈~[/quote] 什么叫现在有人啊?? 我不是说现在啊~ 我是说下个星期的聚会啊~~~
[quote][b]下面是引用ashlee于2006-01-13 19:22发表的:[/b] 哇~MM不要鄙视我啊~ 我没有说他是我啊~ .......[/quote] 你应该把这几张也发出来嘛~ [img]http://tinypic.com/i6h9oh[/img]
[quote][b]下面是引用rainie于2006-01-14 20:31发表的:[/b] 你应该把这几张也发出来嘛~ [img]http://tinypic.com/i6h9oh[/img][/quote] 哇~讨厌啦~ 这张好引人注意啊~~
[quote][b]下面是引用chaos于2006-01-14 21:05发表的:[/b] lol[/quote] 笑什么~
[quote][b]下面是引用ashlee于2006-01-14 21:04发表的:[/b] 哇~讨厌啦~ 这张好引人注意啊~~[/quote] 唉~ 我真是爱死他了~~
[quote][b]下面是引用rainie于2006-01-14 21:17发表的:[/b] 唉~ 我真是爱死他了~~[/quote] 那你也用他的照片~ 咱们搞一个关于他的帮会~~ 哇卡卡~~~
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