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我这边有两个朋友 就是3个
我这边有两个朋友 就是3个
[quote][b]下面是引用ashlee于2006-01-08 17:08发表的想露脸的想搞活动的,进来!(水贴无聊贴):[/b] [注名一下,以上有韩国人,日本人,台湾人,但是全是我同学,我在他们面前] 所有西方的 重大节日,我们都过完了~ 也是时候搞搞中国的传统节日了~~ .......[/quote] 楼住签名里的那个人的SPACES地址有吗? 听说每天的浏览量都过200的,想去看看
[quote][b]下面是引用202于2006-01-12 22:58发表的:[/b] 楼住签名里的那个人的SPACES地址有吗? 听说每天的浏览量都过200的,想去看看[/quote] 不是200,是以万计算的~ 回复的帖子是以千计算的~ 你等等。。。要到自己SPACE找给你~
郁闷。。。。。不想自己顶的。。。。。 但是,太郁闷了。。。。。 还是顶一下。。。。。。 让自己更加郁闷。。。。。 大家,如果有一天,我的ID不见了,大家不要觉得伤心~ 如果同一天,有一个新人,近来,大家也不要开心。。。。 总之,大家不要为我操心。。。。我会好好照顾自己。。。。。 郁闷的尽头。。。。就是此ID的尽头。。。。。。。 我会想念VANSKY的~~所有兄弟姐妹。。。。
[quote][b]下面是引用西子于2006-01-13 00:59发表的:[/b] 。。。。。樓主......受刺激了?[/quote] 收很久了~ 快不行了~~
[quote][b]下面是引用香帅于2006-01-13 09:26发表的:[/b] 请问台湾人是中国人吗?[/quote] what are u asking about ~ I am not going to involve some political problems here~ [s:54]
“注名一下,以上有韩国人,日本人,台湾人,但是全是我同学,我在他们面前” 虽然你不想谈论什么政治,或许你不是有意的,但还是请以后写以上类似的文字时慎重点!
[quote][b]下面是引用香帅于2006-01-13 09:40发表的:[/b] “注名一下,以上有韩国人,日本人,台湾人,但是全是我同学,我在他们面前” 虽然你不想谈论什么政治,或许你不是有意的,但还是请以后写以上类似的文字时慎重点![/quote] what are u taking about ~ I just said where are they come from~~ I am not emphasizing their nationality~ how can u be so sensitive~ plz do not misunderstand others by ur own judging!!
what are u taking about ~ I just said where are they come from~~ I am not emphasizing their nationality~ how can u be so sensitive~ plz do not misunderstand others by ur own judging “注名一下,以上有韩国人,日本人,台湾人,但是全是我同学,我在他们面前” 虽然你不想谈论什么政治,或许你不是有意的,但还是请以后写以上类似的文字时慎重点! “I just said where are they come from”请问,上面这话里面哪有你说的他们来自与哪里的字眼? “plz do not misunderstand others by ur own judging”我哪里有误解你?我说过也许你是不是有意的,只是提醒你以后用此类文字时慎重点,不是谁敏感不敏感的问题,你那样写就是不对!也没有给你扣“台独”的帽子,只是善意给你提个醒,接受就得了,干嘛那么嘴硬呢?
[quote][b]下面是引用香帅于2006-01-13 10:01发表的:[/b] what are u taking about ~ I just said where are they come from~~ I am not emphasizing their nationality~ .......[/quote] no ~I won't accept it ! cause I am totally not thinking about this kind of question~ as a fact, a nation's name is representing the place that they come from~ how can I know which city they come from , as I said they are my classmates, so they are from my college, there is no need to say which school they are from ~ U said u did not misunderstand, that is totally shit!! why do I have to accept this, cause I have never think about it ~ and will never think about it ~ I don't think there is any problem or inappropriate words using in my blog~ therefore, I won't take ur suggestion. that's what it is ~and that 's what I think
。。。。。。。。。。。。。 。。。。。。。。。。。。。 。。。。。。。。。。。。。 你怎么能偷盗他的照片 楼主,我鄙视你!
。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 谁呀?
nice nice
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