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哇  11 页了  好牛鼻阿
刚从夜市回来,撑死我了。。。 [s:201]  [s:201]
我 X,你现在出去玩都不关我们了 我看行~~ 绝交了
[quote]引用第204楼冬蟲韓韓于2009-06-14 11:55发表的  : 我 X,你现在出去玩都不关我们了 我看行~~ 绝交了[/quote] [s:203][s:203][s:203]
[quote]引用第203楼martin0629于2009-06-14 00:27发表的  : 刚从夜市回来,撑死我了。。。 [s:201]  [s:201][/quote] [s:180][s:180]
[quote]引用第204楼冬蟲韓韓于2009-06-14 11:55发表的  : 我 X,你现在出去玩都不关我们了 我看行~~ 绝交了[/quote] nnd,你住newest,night market在rmd,我下班都10点半多了,给你打电话,等你杀过来,人家关门了好不好。!!!
[quote]引用第207楼小绯于2009-06-14 14:46发表的  : [s:180][s:180][/quote] 昨晚吃了羊肉串,盐素鸡,还有椰子汁,还有老乡陪吃呢,小吃太多了,看得我眼晕了。。。今天好热,正在吃哈根达斯。。[s:201][s:201][s:201]  
[s:203]  [s:203]  [s:203]  [s:203]  [s:203] 靠,你太过份了
[s:204] 顶
感觉现在一点追求都没了,人生的激情也已被磨没了-烟消云散了。每天都只是上课+上班,人生真的应该是如此吗?激情退却,回归现实-life is a lesson. [s:204]
[quote]引用第212楼martin0629于2009-06-15 08:20发表的  : 感觉现在一点追求都没了,人生的激情也已被磨没了-烟消云散了。每天都只是上课+上班,人生真的应该是如此吗?激情退却,回归现实-life is a lesson. [s:204][/quote] 这么说的意思就是--- 你最近疯狂约女生出去,结果人家都说no呗~~~~ 告诉你个好办法,读书就读书,不要打那么多的工,让自己有时间和精力去social下嘛~~  [s:201]
[quote]引用第214楼冬蟲韓韓于2009-06-15 11:56发表的  : 这么说的意思就是--- 你最近疯狂约女生出去,结果人家都说no呗~~~~ 告诉你个好办法,读书就读书,不要打那么多的工,让自己有时间和精力去social下嘛~~  [s:201][/quote] not really!!just think like adult,please. truly i do not like work which is pain and struggle on me, but no work signified no money, that means i can not pay my tuition fee,  and lose the opportunity to study.i do not date with girl, all right, one time i remember which i mentioned . social is good, but u know no money is always equal no social. (as i m still in school, can not type Chinese, damn), see u after. having fun.
[quote]引用第215楼martin0629于2009-06-15 15:57发表的  : not really!!just think like adult,please. truly i do not like work which is pain and struggle on me, but no work signified no money, that means i can not pay my tuition fee,  and lose the opportunity to study.i do not date with girl, all right, one time i remember which i mentioned . social is good, but u know no money is always equal no social. (as i m still in school, can not type Chinese, damn), see u after. having fun.[/quote] I hate english[s:186]
[quote]引用第216楼小绯于2009-06-15 18:24发表的  : I hate english[s:186][/quote] [s:196] 那你来干啥???   加油胖子~~支持你[s:201]
TTTTT [s:202]  [s:202]  [s:202]
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