Deep Cove Park Picnic at August 6th,2011

Time and Address: leaving VCEFC, 3295, vancouver.  at around 10:30am people: friends and students from mainland China, Taiwan, and Hongkong Organization:funded and supported by a local faith community - VCEFC's mandarinside, to enjoy friendship, fellowship, good food, fun, joy, peace,nature, wilderness, sunshine, laughter, family life, relaxation etc, allHis good creation, to Him be the Glory forever and ever! Food policy: bring a fresh, organic, good and delicious lunch such aschicken wings or sandwich + snack or fruit to share - the sharing partis optional. Great occasion to make new friends who speak Chinese Requirements: 1) speaking fluent Chinese and 2)ubc post-secondary students, staff, faculty etc. feel free to invite your parents or friends to come, please email me back before 8pm today, I will check my email around that time. "Godis love and Love is God, the definition of love is J.C. of N." - we as afaith community group refuse superstitions, shallow religious beliefbut welcome truth based on science, arts, experience, tradition, and theBook (primary source). He reigns, Bob 送上好莱坞华人饶舌歌手金曲一首<<Love>> (please change "dot" to ".") 1)中文字幕MTV: [url][/url] 2)live: [url][/url](dot)com/watch?v=sdNKqiHVYX0&feature=related   tomorrow's trip will be around 25people with many carpools. we will depart at around 10:30am. Westill have few seats left. first come, first serve.        here is the checklist (it is [b]Optional[/b]/ merely a suggestion):  明天是大晴天,皮肤对太阳敏感的朋友, 请带,防晒霜,防晒唇膏,bug bite relief, 墨镜,雨伞(以防万一)        重要的是穿暖和一点的衣服,山上比较凉。        可以带飞盘,象棋,扑克牌,boardgames,不过我们时间有限,不一定都能玩上。        记得带相机。        最后。[b][size=4]“鼓的。辣可”[/size][/b] 。  明天见! [color=#888888]Bob[/color] [email][/email] Sent from My iPhone