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爱的语言多种多样。前面,我提到过Dr. Gary Chapman关于爱的语言的三种表达方式:

  • 肯定赞赏的话语 —— Words of Affirmation
  • 共享高品质时光 —— Quality Time
  • 赠送和接收礼物 —— Receiving Gifts



  • 效力行动 —— Acts of Service








Jim’s primary love language was what I called “acts of service”. By acts of service, I mean doing things you know your spouse would like you to do. You seek to please her by serving her, to express your love for her by doing things for her.


Such actions as cooking a meal, setting a table, washing dishes, vacuuming, cleaning a commode, getting hairs out of the sink, removing the white spots from the mirror, getting bugs off the windshield, taking out the garbage, cleaning the baby’s diaper, painting a bedroom, dusting the bookcase, keeping the car in operation condition, washing or vacuuming the car, cleaning the garage, mowing the grass, trimming the shrubs, raking the leaves, dusting the blinds, walking the dog, changing the cat’s litter box, and changing water in the goldfish bowl are all acts of service. They require thought, planning, time, effort, and energy. If done with a positive spirit, they are indeed expressions of love.




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