绰号「狼人」的俄罗斯西伯利亚前警员波科夫,四年前被裁定强姦及谋杀廿二名女子罪成,判囚终身监禁。经警方不断调查搜证,这名狂魔近日自揭涉及更多兇杀案,估计新案件或多达五十宗。如属实他将成为俄罗斯史上杀人最多的变态连环杀手,亦面临新的审讯。 五十一岁的波科夫(Mikhail Popkov)在一九九○至二○○○年代期间,在伊尔库茨克市一带谋杀了廿二名女人。 裸尸丢弃树林中 波科夫又透露利用警员的身份,晚上驾车向陌生女子「下手」,诱骗她们上车,并带到偏僻的地方施暴,再用斧头、利刀及螺丝刀残杀她们,更曾将受害人的心脏挖出来。完事后,他把裸尸丢弃在马路旁的树林中。 及至一二年,他被警方拘捕,被判终身监禁。警方调查期间,波科夫非常合作,带警方到弃尸地方,透露犯案时间及死者伤势等。 驾车市区寻猎物 起初,警方判断他的屠杀行动止于二○○○年。但随着新证据逐步浮现,波科夫近日招认涉及更多兇案,并带领警方去新的犯案及埋尸现场。因案件仍在调查当中,警方拒透露受害人确实人数,但有估计指与波科夫有关的新案件或高达五十宗。 据指,波科夫经常驾车到市内的安加尔斯克(Angarsk)和海参崴一带寻找猎物。他被捕后透露希望「清洗街上的妓女」,又承认对晚上出外饮酒的女子有负面印象。有指,他犯案动机始于有一天,在家中找到两个已用的避孕套,认定妻子「偷食」,故杀害女人洩愤。 妻女相信其清白 不过,波科夫的妻子埃琳娜,去年四月在波科夫案上诉时接受当地传媒访问,四十八岁的埃琳娜表示和丈夫结婚廿八年,无可能察觉不到他有异样,又相信他是清白。她指多年来波科夫未曾伤害过她,亦在她和女儿面前否认有杀人,称是官僚制度造成。当时廿七岁的女儿亦扬言坚信爸爸无辜,声言要当一名犯罪学家,还他一个清白。惟母女二人自今年初已没有探望波科夫,目前已迁离安加尔斯克,搬到另一城市开始新生活。
Murders: Russian serial killer Mikhail Popkov is already in jail for the slaughter of 22 women, but he is now confessing 'many' more to police officers - leading investigators to believe he could be the most prolific serial killer ever in Russia Victim: Viktoria Chagaeva holds a picture of her 20-year-old sister Tanya Martynova, who was killed by Popkov after attending a concert with a friend in 1998 Innocent: Yulia Kuprikova, who was murdered with her friend Tanya Martynova after a concert in 1998 Jailed: A former police officer, Popkov was able to evade capture for so long because investigators couldn't believe that the killer they were hunting was one of their own Spark: According to investigators, Popkov began his killing spree after discovering contraceptives in the family rubbish bin - leading him to assume, wrongly, that his wife Elena (pictured) was having an affair Family man: After Popkov was first accused, his wife Elena, 50, and daughter Ekaterina (pictured with Popkov), 28, refused to believe that he could have been capable of the murders Escape: After the latest revelations about the 'many' new murders, however, they have moved to a different city to try to start a new life. Pictured, Ekaterina with her father Caring: Popkov was able to hunt his victims so easily, as he would offer them lifts late at night in his police car. But he then drove them to remote locations where he raped and killed them, dumping their bodies Killed: It has not yet been revealed how many more women Popkov killed. Two of his victims were Tanya Martynova (right), 20, and Yulia Kuprikova (centre), 19, found dead on 29 October 1998 after a night out Guilt: Tanya's elder sister Viktoria (pictured with her and their mother Lyubov) says the pain of her Tanya's loss never goes away - and it was Viktoria who bought her the concert ticket after which she was murdered Appeal: A newspaper cut out of the police appeal for Tanya's friend Yulia Shapovalova after she went missing Dumped: A road near the town of Meget, Russia, where bodies of the two friends Tanya and Yulia were found Home: Block of flats in Angarsk where Tanya lived - and failed to return after she was targeted by Popkov